Notice on the Ongoing Collection of Outstanding Industrial Designers for the “Thousand Talents Library” in Chongqing

To the Economic and Information Committees of all districts and counties (autonomous counties), the Liangjiang New Area, Chongqing High-tech Zone in the Western Science City, the Wan Sheng Economic Development Zone’s Economic and Information Departments, the Chongqing Municipal Manufacturing Industry Talent Service Center, and relevant units:

In order to implement the spirit of the Chongqing Municipal Government Office’s “Notice on Issuing the Action Plan for Establishing Chongqing as the ‘City of Design'” (Chongqing Municipal Government Office [2022] No. 2) and other documents, as well as the work deployment of the Chongqing Municipal People’s Government’s Work Report (2023), to build a high-quality industrial design professional talent team in the city, assist in accelerating the construction of Chongqing as a national industrial design demonstration city, actively create the world’s “City of Design,” and promote the high-quality development of the industrial design industry, it has been decided, after research, to establish the “Thousand Talents Library” of outstanding industrial designers in Chongqing and openly solicit submissions from the public. The relevant matters are notified as follows:

I. Guiding Ideology

Guided by Xi Jinping’s Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, thoroughly implement the spirit of the Second Plenary Session of the Sixth Municipal Party Committee, benchmark the important deployments of the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government regarding industrial design work, set the goal of establishing the “Thousand Talents Library” of outstanding industrial designers in Chongqing, and take “cultivating multi-disciplinary industrial design talents with an innovative vision” as the main focus, improve system construction, innovate incentive mechanisms, and facilitate development pathways, forging a highly skilled and high-quality army of industrial design talents.

II. Scope of Collection

Individuals from Chongqing or currently in Chongqing, who are engaged in industrial design services, research, management, and related, and hold a bachelor’s degree or above in industrial design-related majors.

III. Collection Criteria

(1) Compliance with the Constitution and laws, demonstration of good professional ethics, a dedicated spirit, and a clean record with no instances of illegal or adverse credit behaviour.

(2) Possession of a high level of professional expertise, familiarity with the development trends of Chongqing’s industrial design industry, and knowledge of industry-related policies, standards, and laws and regulations.

(3) Applicants must meet the requirements of the collection scope.

IV. Collection Procedures

(1) Individual Application. Applicants should accurately complete the Application Form for Inclusion in the Chongqing Thousand Talents Library of Outstanding Industrial Designers, focusing on professional titles, competition awards, published articles, intellectual property rights, honorary titles, personal compensation, and research projects, and provide relevant supporting materials.

(2) Document Review. The Chongqing Municipal Commission of Economy and Information Technology will review the application materials, and designers who meet the requirements for inclusion will be included in the Chongqing Thousand Talents Library of Outstanding Industrial Designers.

(3) Rating and Ranking. Experts will comprehensively score the individual application materials, evaluate the designers’ star ratings, and award titles ranging from “Provisional Star” to “Five-Star” based on their total scores.

(4) Ongoing Collection. Applications will be accepted throughout the year. The Chongqing Municipal Commission of Economy and Information Technology will organise periodic collection for inclusion, dynamic star rating evaluations, and supplementary or updated personal information based on the principle of “maturing a batch and confirming a batch.”

V. Work Requirements

(1) Strengthen Organisational Publicity. Economic and Information Departments of all districts and counties should attach great importance to and carefully deploy the organisation, strengthen promotion, establish a publicity mechanism, provide application guidance, and actively encourage outstanding industrial designers within their jurisdiction to apply.

(2) Ensure Service Management. The Municipal Manufacturing Talent Service Center is responsible for dynamic management and service for included designers. Based on the designers’ star ratings, it will provide accurate employment guidance, activity recommendations, cooperative exchanges, and other related services.

VI. Contact Information

Contact Person 1: Mr. Liao, Contact Number: 63898012, 15123189178;
Contact Person 2: Mr. Chen, Contact Number: 60332626, 13618236685. Email:

Chongqing Municipal Commission of Economy and Information Technology
June 17, 2023

(This document has been publicly released.)


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