Launch of the 2023 Industrial Design Competition for University Students in Chongqing!

The Industrial Design Competition for University Students in Chongqing is organized by the Chongqing Municipal Education Commission and hosted by the School of Arts at Chongqing University. It’s a provincial and ministerial-level competition for university students. The primary aim of this competition is to support and nurture the city’s outstanding new design talents. Through the competition, we aim to promote learning and education, guide participants to focus on significant social issues, strengthen foundational skills, combine cultural traditions with science and technology, stimulate creative potential, and foster innovative thinking, collaborative awareness, practical skills, and a sense of social responsibility. This is done to further promote the development of industrial design education and stimulate the vitality of industrial design education and its industry.

Competition theme

City of Design · Chongqing Creates the Future


The main disciplines participating in the Industrial Design Competition for University Students in Chongqing include industrial design, product design, apparel accessories design, and other related disciplines. We encourage students from different disciplines and majors to participate across disciplines. Participants should be full-time students from ordinary higher education institutions in Chongqing, including postgraduates, undergraduates, and vocational students. Also, students from higher education self-study examinations are eligible.


The awards for the Industrial Design Competition for University Students in Chongqing will be determined through a unified review process.

Planned awards include:

  1. First, Second, and Third Prizes: The “2023 Industrial Design Competition for University Students in Chongqing First, Second, and Third Prizes and Excellence Awards” will be determined after the final evaluation. (The specific number of awardees will be set by the final evaluation committee based on the quality of the entries).
  2. Excellent Instructor Award: Instructors guiding first-prize winning works will receive the title of “Excellent Instructor of the Industrial Design Competition for University Students in Chongqing”.
  3. Excellent Organization Award: Universities ranked in the top ten based on the number of entries and awards received will win the “Excellent Organization Award”.
  4. Students who win awards in the Chongqing regional competition will receive a certificate of honor from the Chongqing Municipal Education Commission. Their schools, following the relevant regulations of the Ministry of Education, should give appropriate encouragement during the selection of outstanding students, scholarships, and recommendations for exemption from postgraduate entrance exams. Similarly, hardworking instructors who coached students prior to the competition should be appropriately rewarded according to the relevant regulations of the Ministry of Education when evaluating teacher performance and calculating teaching workload.

Participation process

Registration and Submission Notes:

  1. Participants should register as a group based on their institutions. The deadline for work submission is September 30th. The participant institutions should generate a 5-digit competition number based on their English abbreviation and a sequence number (e.g., CD001 for Chongqing University). This number will serve as the identity information of the work during the review stage. And a summary table of works should be filled out and submitted to the competition committee after verification. Each participant, as the primary author, should not submit more than three works in this competition.
  2. Submit Electronic Version of Works:

Participants should name their works based on the 5-digit competition number. The related content of the entry (design sketches, design explanations, concept images, model photos, etc.) should be reasonably edited into a single vertical layout (size 1500mm*900mm, jpg format, 150dpi resolution, file size no more than 10M).

  1. Works recommended for previous industrial design competitions are not allowed to participate in this competition.


Collection codes and contacts for universities:

Secretariat Office of the 2023 Industrial Design Competition for University Students in Chongqing Committee:

Address: School of Arts, Chongqing University

Postal Code: 400044


Contact: Jie Guangmin, 17817763066;

Join the QQ group for communication: 907011896

For detailed competition information, please visit:

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