Smart Expo Cup 2021 Industrial Services Bronze Award

Winning Design

Smart Park Solutions

Winning Unit

China Mobile IoT Co., Ltd


China Mobile IoT UED Design Center

Winning Design

VR+DT Intelligent Factory Auxiliary Management Platform

Winning Unit

Chongqing University


Xia Jinjun/Jin Ting/Huang Ziyu/Liu Haiping/Fan Zhengyan

Winning Design

Wushan Crisp Plum Digital Service Design Drives Rural Revitalization

Winning Unit

Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications


Wang Hongsheng/Liu Renpeng/Wu Hui

Winning Design

A718ESV Whole Vehicle User Experience Service Process Design

Winning Unit

Chongqing Technology and Business University


Li Yang/Xie Kedi/Ma Fuyu/Zheng Zhiqiang

Winning Design

Lockers for Business Travelers

Winning Unit

Yanshan University


Li Yuhe/Yan Qinhe

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