
Which Creative Designs for the Countryside Do You Like?

From August 10th to 13th, the grand final series of activities of the Second Imprinted Countryside Creative Design Competition held in Liangping District, Chongqing, which consisted of a final expert evaluation, outstanding works release, and beautiful countryside construction lecture, design to the countryside research, and extraordinary rural creative design works exhibition.

The 3rd Chongqing College Students Rural Revitalization Creative Competition Launched

On August 13, the 3rd Chongqing College Students Rural Revitalization Creative Competition, jointly organized by the Chongqing Municipal Education Commission, the Chongqing Municipal Commission of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the Chongqing Rural Revitalization Bureau, the All Chongqing Federation of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives, the Chongqing Association for Sciences and Technology, was launched.

Duan Shengfeng: Rural Design-A New Form of Design Practice

Duan Shengfeng, the first student of the industrial modeling major of Sichuan Fine Arts Institute, is now the vice president of Sichuan Fine Arts Institute, a Professor, a member of the Steering Committee of Design Education in Higher Education of the Ministry of Education, and a doctoral supervisor, who has witnessed the whole course of the development of the design profession.

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