Contact us
- Chongqing Industrial Design Promotion Center
- No. 1, Shangqingsi Road, Yuzhong District, Chongqing, People's Republic of China
- +86-23-60332626

Changan UNI-K
Equipment Manufacturing
Chongqing Changan Automobile Co., Ltd.
VN22-6X6 Wheeled Armored Vehicle
Equipment Manufacturing
Chongqing Artop Brand Consulting & Design Co., Ltd.
This wearable intelligent assistive robot is conceived with APP intelligently connection, disk motor, adjustable joints, intuitive status feedback, and lumbar battery to free the hands and enable the user to “multiply” the effect; it is a conceptual design that benefits the daily lower limb movement and travel of patients with related diseases and the disabled old people.
Regional IP Systematic Design Empowering Rural Revitalization
Industrial Services
Sichuan Fine Arts Institute
Standard Traveling Companion for the New Double-Car Era
Good Life
Chongqing Dusse Technology Co., Ltd.
The Intelligent Self-service First Aid Vest is a first aid supply designed for heart disease and other sudden illnesses, which adopts the structural of silicone adsorption and bionic octopus suction cups accurately locate the heart and is associated with the APP service to detect the patient’s heart condition on-line.
Intelligent Prospecting Equipment
Equipment Manufacturing
CGE (Chongqing) Geological Instrument Co., Ltd.
Medical Digital Twins–Digital Map for Disease Control
Indusrial Services
Alibaba Cloud Computing Technology Co., Ltd.
Magnetic Liquid Demonstrator
Good Life
Chongqing University